National League of Cities (NLC) 事件


Grant Application Bootcamps



Minnesota Local Roads Traffic Safety Regional Workshops

MnDOT Active Transportation Grant Informational Webinar

MnDOT Safe Routes to School Grant Informational Webinar

Local Brownfield Redevelopment in Minnesota

Grant Writing Readiness: Build Your Team

Demystifying Age-Friendly Communities Webinar

9月ember 2024 Developing Exceptional Customer Service Skills

Section 508 Best Practices Webinar: Enhancing 可访问性 Through Customer Experience

Breach Point: The Best Backup — Seminar for Law Enforcement Officers

Minnesota Municipal Utilities Association’s Tree Trimming Workshop

10月ober 2024 Supervision & Performance Appraisal to Build Effective Teams

2024 MMA Fall Mayors Meetup
  • Minnesota Mayors Association (MMA) is teaming up with the Northwest Hennepin League of Municipalities (NWHLM) for a joint mayors meetup — Tour of Hennepin County Traffic Management Center followed by dinner at Choo Choo Restaurant and Bar in Loretto.
    • 10月. 9
  • Learn more and register for the 2024 MMA Fall Mayors Meetup.

24th Conference on the Small City and Regional Community

Webinar: Minnesota City Participation Program Can Assist First-Time 首页buyers in Your Community

11月ember 2024 Grant Writing Readiness: Build Your Team

Ethical Conflict Management & 沟通技巧